

You re prompted for your login password. Type it in (it isn t shown in the terminal, for security reasons), and press the Enter key. This command (ln -s) makes a soft link between the directory containing the tools (/usr/lib/ktoon/plug-ins) and the directory where KToon expects to find them (/usr/share/ktoon). The sudo part gives you administrator rights over the system (su stands for Switch User). The only feedback you get from the terminal to show that this command was successful is being returned to the command prompt without an error message. When you restart KToon, the tools should be visible.

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[Ignore("Not Ready to Run")] [Test] public function methodNotReadyToTest():void { Assert.assertFalse( true ); }

All read-only operations that apply to ellipse values get the area, for example apply to circle values too (because circle values are ellipse values); that is, read-only operations associated with type ELLIPSE are inherited unconditionally by type CIRCLE However, there are some read-only operations associated with type CIRCLE get the radius, for example that don t apply to type ELLIPSE In other words, the set of read-only operations that apply to circle values is a proper superset of the set of read-only operations that apply to ellipse values Some update operations that apply to ellipse variables change the center, for example apply to circle variables too.

In case you want to create a stack order for the tests or the before and after methods, you can just add the order attribute.

Other such operations change the a semiaxis, for example don t apply to circle variables too (because circle variables aren t ellipse variables; that is, a variable of declared type CIRCLE can t hold a value that s just an ellipse, and changing the a semiaxis of a circle yields a result that s just an ellipse, in general) In other words, update operations associated with type ELLIPSE are not inherited unconditionally by type CIRCLE Moreover, there are some update operations associated with type CIRCLE change the radius, for example that don t apply to type ELLIPSE Thus, the set of update operations that apply to circle variables is neither a subset nor a superset of the set of such operations that apply to ellipse variables Let E be a variable of declared type ELLIPSE.

Like the equivalent tool in the GIMP, the freehand Pencil tool in KToon is most useful if you have a graphics tablet (see Figure 5-5). With a mouse, the results tend to be a little shaky. The Rectangle, Ellipse, Line, and Shape Brush tools are likely to be more accurate (see Figure 5-6). There is also a Polyline tool, but it appears incomplete as of KToon version 0.8. With any of these tools, click and hold the mouse button down while you drag the mouse to draw the line or shape. The Text tool is just as straightforward, offering a selection of the fonts installed on the system.


Then updating E in such a way that a = b after the update means the most specific type of the current value of E is now CIRCLE Likewise, updating E in such a way that a > b after the update means the most specific type of the current value of E is now just ELLIPSE In sum, we believe our model includes many desirable features that seem to be missing from other proposals We also have reason to believe it s efficiently implementable We would therefore like the IT community to consider it as a serious contender a contender, that is, for the role of an inheritance model that s both (a) formally and rigorously defined and (b) robust in its application.

There are many other assertion methods you can use when creating tests (see Table 1-1).

I note in closing that such a model seems to be conspicuous by its absence in the industry at large, at least at the time of writing..

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